If your morning is too hectic for even this, you can definitely make it the night before and reheat it in the morning. With their lunch made each day, one of our traditions has been the note from mom I add to it each morning.

In the photo above, I used some leftover Mexican shredded chicken, carrots, chopped spinach, avocados, and taco seasoning to made a tortilla(less) soup. All you have to do is combine 4 cups of liquid, 1 cup of protein, 2 cups vegetables, 2 teaspoons seasoning, and any extra add-ins your kids might enjoy. The recipe is included in this post, and it really is incredibly easy. I throw everything into a little pot and it simmers away while I get breakfast prepped and hair fixed. This round-up of FREE Printable Lunch Box Notes should keep your Happy Buddy’s lunch box SUPER happy as you celebrate all the holidays throughout the entire school year. If you happen to have leftover soup or chili from dinner, throw that in! I have a quick soup that sometimes make during the cooler months, and I swear it only takes me 5 minutes of prep and it’s so adaptable to what you have on hand. If you are doing school virtually at home or even packing a lunch, tape a note to an lunch item so they will see it These notes make a fun surprise. All you need to do is download the FREE Printable, and cut out each note. Christmas Facts & Funnies - 50 tear-off Lunchbox Notes for Kids that Make Lunch Fun and Educational: Lunch Boxes - FREE DELIVERY possible on.

Free lunch box notes for non readers for free#
They have their picky days, but there are certain meals that are almost aways guaranteed to please them. I created these Free Lunch Box Notes printable that you can download for free form the Resource Library. Buying thermoses was one of the best decisions I made when my kids started going to school.